EPA Includes Adjuvants in Herbicide Strategy

Today, the EPA published its final Herbicide Strategy which is designed to protect more than 900 species listed as threatened or endangered. The Herbicide Strategy includes more options for growers and reduces the burden on applicators compared to the draft released last year. The Council of Producers and Distributors of Agrotechnology (CPDA) has worked tirelessly with other stakeholders, especially grower organizations and USDA, to encourage EPA to provide additional mitigation options for the agriculture community.

“While we continue to review EPA’s final Herbicide Strategy and accompanying mitigation documents, CPDA would like to commend EPA for recognizing the importance of Drift Reduction Adjuvants (DRAs) in reducing requirements placed on growers,” said Terry Kippley, President, CPDA. “Ensuring access to important crop protection tools with the use of DRAs help maintain an appropriate balance between profitability, the environment and impacted species. By linking boom height, nozzle type and DRA’s, growers have a powerful tool to reduce burdensome buffer demands associated with the Strategy.”


The final strategy itself does not impose any requirements or restrictions on pesticide use. Rather, EPA will use the strategy to inform mitigations that may be needed for new active ingredient registrations and registration review of conventional herbicides. CPDA will continue to work with EPA, growers and our members to ensure agricultural producers have robust access to important crop protection products that are vital to the sustainability of American agriculture.

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For more information on the EPA’s announcement, please click here.
