CHS Introduces New Trivar EZ Fertilizer

CHS brings farmers innovative, science-based solutions using advanced technology to help grow healthier crops. As agricultural production becomes more specialized, growers rely on CHS to provide micronutrient fertilizers to maximize the efficiency of their crop nutrient investments.

New Trivar EZ is an enhanced granular micronutrient fertilizer blend that features the Levesol chelating agent.

CHS Inc. has introduced the first of six new products designed to enhance growers’ crop yields. New Trivar EZ is an enhanced granular micronutrient fertilizer blend that features the Levesol chelating agent, patented by CHS, that helps improve the availability of micronutrients to crops.


“CHS is dedicated to providing innovative agricultural solutions to farmers and retailers to support growers’ profitability,” said Brian Kuehl, senior director of research and development at CHS. Trivar EZ helps growers make the most of their crop nutrient investment for solid economic returns.”

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Easily incorporated into dry commodity fertilizer products, Trivar EZ is a dry granular fertilizer blend with nutrients essential to early plant growth, including calcium, manganese, molybdenum, sulfur and zinc. Levesol, a chelate that unlocks soil nutrients, increases the availability of micronutrients and phosphate to boost the overall efficiency of nutrient uptake by the plant, resulting in healthier plants and better yield. Trivar EZ is a new dry, granular formulation of Trivar, a liquid fertilizer. Learn more about Trivar EZ at

“Trivar EZ offers the industry’s first granular ortho-ortho EDDHA chelated granular micronutrient blend, providing growers a new, more plant available, innovative fertility solution,” Kuehl said.

Levesol is the patented chelation agent that helps the micronutrients in Trivar EZ be more available to the crop. This advanced chelate prevents phosphorus from bonding with soil micronutrients, freeing more nutrients for growing plants to access.

“It’s the Levesol chelate, patented by CHS, that makes Trivar EZ a very efficient granular micronutrient blend,” Kuehl said.

In addition to Trivar EZ, the CHS products coming available for the 2025 season include a biostimulant-talc blend and four fertilizer products focused on delivering micronutrients to crop plants. Those new products are:

  • Abivium: a graphite flow talc with micronutrients and a biostimulants.
  • Soygreen Pro: concentrated liquid iron product to alleviate iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) in soybean fields.
  • Soygreen Granular 2.4: granular iron formulation for air seeder applications to treat IDC.
  • Allocate ZN: concentrated zinc to add to dry commodity fertilizers.
  • Allocate BCMZ: concentrated micronutrient formulation to add to dry commodity fertilizers.
