Maximizing Pre-Emergence Weed Control

As growers evaluate the performance of their weed control programs and start planning for next year, there are several things to consider before committing to a weed control program. The most important decision is choosing the crop, variety and herbicide technology in order to maximize ROI. Growers and retailers need to build a complete herbicide program that utilizes residual and contact herbicides throughout the season. This was the focus of a recent article in the report “The New Era of Adjuvants” presented by CropLife and the Council of Producers and Distributors of Agrotechnology.

The article, “Maximizing Pre-Emergence Weed Control,” explains why eliminating early weed competition can help reduce the potential for resprays and gives you the flexibility to use your valuable post herbicides on the acres that really need it. Adjuvant selection is also key.


“It’s important to remember adjuvants vary in formulation, which makes them more favorable to certain tank mixes,” according to Helena Agri-Enterprise, which authored the article. “That’s why it’s critical to first know the mode of action (MOA) of your herbicide(s) before choosing adjuvants. Pre-emergence herbicides need to hold in the upper part of the soil profile in order to maximize weed seed–herbicide contact.”

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To read the full article and/or see the full report, “The New Era of Adjuvants”, click here.
