Rank: 54 (Previous Rank: 52)
4180 State Rt 29
Salem NY 12865
Salem NY 12865
Phone: 518-854-9785
Website: http://www.carovail.com
Organization Type: Independent Local Dealership
Year Founded: 1979
Retail Outlets: 8
States Served: 7
Employees: 113
Agricultural Retailers Association Member: Yes
2023 Revenue: $101-$200 million
Revenue by input:
Crop Protection: 17%,
Fertilizer: 68%,
Seed: 9%,
Custom Application: 6%
Carolina Eastern-Vail Inc. better known to the ag-community as CaroVail has been dedicated to serving the farm community for more than 40 years. CaroVail has grown from a field spreading business to providing a full range of service offerings including field maintenance, crop protection products, state-of-the-art field mapping and soil analysis services. Our Turf & Ornamental Division specializes in providing custom products for athletic fields, golf courses, parks, public greenways and the custom lawn care business.