Thank You, Bonnie McCarvel!

At the annual Mid America CropLife Association (MACA) meeting, one of the highlights each and every year is “The State of the Association” by longtime Executive Director Bonnie McCarvel. But at the 2024 event, held in early September in Bloomington, MN, McCarvel ended her speech with these words: “And I’m here to announce that this will be my last MACA meeting as I have decided to retire.”

For those in the room at the time, an audible gasp was heard. Other MACA Board members – some of whom knew the news beforehand – were still surprised by the announcement.


“I knew this was coming, but I’m still getting very emotional actually hearing it said out loud,” said Michael Lehman of AMVAC, the association’s incoming President for 2024-25.

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For those individuals who have been active in the agricultural marketplace for the past two decades (such as me), McCarvel has been the face and motivation behind all things MACA. Over that time, she has recruited many new member companies to take part in the association and its activities/initiatives. She has also forged many ongoing relationships with key state associations such as the Missouri Agribusiness Association with regards to water issues, key to many member companies and their market goals.

McCarvel has also been instrumental in starting new MACA initiatives to help member companies find new talent for their labor pools. In fact, 12 years ago, she helped spearhead the Young Leaders Scholarship Program, which offered scholarship money to college students looking for careers in agriculture.

On a personal level, McCarvel was one of many industry friends that sent me congratulations when my son was born in 2008. But in addition, she also gave my son his first book – a look at farming in today’s world. This became my son’s first “nighttime story book” when he was growing up.

Mid America CropLife Association (MACA) Executive Director Bonnie McGarvel announced her retirement at the recent MACA meeting.

Bonnie McCarvel, the longtime Executive Director for the Mid America CropLife Association (MACA), announced her retirement at the recent MACA meeting.

At the end of her 2024 MACA speech, McCarvel said she was actively working with board members on a transition plan to find the association’s next Executive Director. “And I want to thank all of you for being a part of MACA with me these many years,” she said. “I know this association will be in good hands going forward.”

Naturally, a standing ovation followed these remarks. In addition, there were plenty of well-wishing hugs and requests for selfies from the audience.

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And from all of us at CropLife who have worked with and known you all these years, Bonnie, we applaud you as well! You will be missed, but you are leaving behind one heck of legacy!
