AgSafe Unveils Free Toolkit to Strengthen Agricultural Employee Relations

AgSafe has announced the launch of its Social Media Toolkit — a free new resource designed to help agricultural employers strengthen relationships with employees by using effective and consistent communication, both in and out of the field. This valuable resource, funded by the Western Extension Risk Management Education Center in 2023, offers practical tools such as ready-to-use templates and customizable content to help organizations create consistency in how they apply their values both online and offline.

According to a 2024 SHRM study, 70% of employees leave their organization because of issues with workplace culture, with many feeling their organization does not promote a positive work environment. To tackle this problem, AgSafe is introducing this new resource to help employers strengthen and support their employees. Designed to promote consistent and intentional communication practices across all platforms, the Social Media Toolkit reinforces the importance of employee recognition as well as relationship building to create a stronger workplace culture.


In agriculture, having good relationships between employers and workers is key to a safe and productive workplace. The Social Media Toolkit highlights how important it is to communicate in many ways, not just in person or through written communication. By using social media in a way that matches the values and practices in the field, employers can increase job satisfaction, build brand loyalty, and stay in line with labor compliance and safety standards.

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The toolkit offers different written and visual examples that companies can use or tweak to fit their organization’s unique voice. This helps save time and keeps the message in line with the company’s promise to value and support its workers.

“Good communication is essential for building strong, trust-based relationships with employees. When this communication is also done on social media, newsletters, and other public channels, it strengthens the support and respect employees feel in their daily jobs, making them more engaged and loyal,” said Athena Ushana, Program and Communications Manager at AgSafe.

“Social media can be leveraged to help communicate a company’s values and their commitment to employee well-being.” added Theresa Kiehn, President and CEO at AgSafe.

For more information, access the Social Media Toolkit here:
