Mid America CropLife Association Honors 2024 Award Recipients, Elects 2024-25 Leaders

The Mid America CropLife Association (MACA) presented several awards at its recent annual meeting in Bloomington, MN. They included the following:

  • 2024 Ambassador of the Year Award: Matt Lawrence, Valent USA
  • 2024 Dean Roy Achievement Award of the Year: Matt Lawrence, Valent USA
  • 2024 Educator of the Year Award: Dr. Christy Sprague, Michigan State University’s Saginaw Valley Research and Extension Center
  • 2024 Industry Vision Award of the Year: Ben Kaehler, Corteva Agriscience (retired)

Learn more about the award recipients below:

Valent’s Matt Lawrence Honored as 2024 MACA Ambassador of the Year

The Mid America CropLife Association (MACA) is pleased to announce Matt Lawrence of Valent USA as the recipient of the 2024 Ambassador of the Year Award. The prestigious honor was presented on Tuesday September 3 by MACA President Jaime Yanes during the association’s Annual Meeting held September 3-5 in Bloomington, Minnesota.

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Matt Lawrence (right) of Valent USA is presented the 2024 Ambassador of the Year Award from MACA President Jaime Yanes.

The Ambassador of the Year Award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to American agriculture, particularly in the Midwest region, through consistent outreach efforts in educating the public on the value of production agriculture.

Lawrence has been a committed supporter and promoter of MACA’s educational initiatives. His dedication to recruiting and encouraging Valent team members to participate in the Ambassador program has been instrumental in its success.

With a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture and Agronomy from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and a Master of Business from Keller Graduate School of Management at DeVry University, Lawrence has built a strong foundation in both agricultural science and business.

His career at Valent USA, where he currently serves as Director of Retail Strategy, has been marked by a consistent dedication to advancing the industry, a dedication, MACA President, Jaime Yanes, shares has been instrumental to the success of the Ambassador program.

“Matt’s tireless efforts in promoting agricultural education and his commitment to the Ambassador program have been truly exemplary,” Yanes told attendees. “His work has significantly contributed to public understanding of modern agriculture’s importance.”

The Mid America CropLife Association congratulates Matt Lawrence on this well-deserved recognition and thanks him for his ongoing contributions to the agricultural community.

Valent’s Matt Lawrence Honored as 2024 Dean Roy Achievement Award Recipient

The Mid America CropLife Association (MACA) is pleased to announce Matt Lawrence, Director of Account Management at Valent USA, as the recipient of the 2024 Dean Roy Achievement Award. MACA President Jaime Yanes presented the award during the MACA Annual Meeting held in Bloomington, MN from September 3-5, 2024.

Matt Lawrence (left) of Valent USA is presented the 2024 Dean Roy Achievement Award from MACA President Jaime Yanes.

The Dean Roy Achievement Award, MACA’s most coveted honor, recognizes individuals for exceptional service to MACA and the crop industry. Established in 1982, the award is named after Dean Roy, a past MACA member who served two terms as MACA president from 1976 to 1978. Lawrence is the 42nd recipient of this prestigious award.

With over 25 years in the industry, all with Valent USA, Lawrence has been an active and dedicated MACA member. He currently serves on the MACA board and is a member of the Critical Member Issues Committee. Previously, Lawrence chaired the Production and Environmental Stewardship (PES) committee and has been instrumental in combining the DNE and PES committees as part of MACA’s updated strategic plan.

Lawrence’s contributions to MACA are numerous and impactful. He has been a strong advocate for the Young Leader Scholarship Program, hosting recipients for many years. He has also promoted the Ag Academy program (formerly CropLife Ambassador Network) and helped recruit speakers.

“Matt exemplifies the spirit of the Dean Roy Achievement Award. His unwavering commitment to MACA and the industry, coupled with his ability to balance professional success and family life, makes him an outstanding recipient. We are grateful for his continued service and leadership,” shared MACA President, Jaime Yanes.

Outside of his professional commitments, Lawrence enjoys golfing, hunting pheasants, and spending time with his wife Penny and son Jacob.

MACA Honors Christy Sprague, Ph.D. as 2024 Educator of the Year

The Mid America CropLife Association (MACA) has awarded Dr. Christy Sprague the prestigious 2024 Educator of the Year award. The honor was presented by MACA President Jaime Yanes during the association’s Annual Meeting in Bloomington, Minnesota on Tuesday, September 3.

Dr. Christy Sprague is presented the 2024 Educator of the Year Award from MACA President Jaime Yanes.

Dr. Sprague, a Professor of Crop and Soil Sciences and Extension Specialist at Michigan State University’s Saginaw Valley Research and Extension Center, was recognized for her significant contributions to American agriculture, particularly in the Great Lakes region.

The Educator of the Year award celebrates individuals who have made substantial impacts through published works, public appearances, and consistent efforts in educating the public on the value of production agriculture.

Dr. Sprague’s research and extension program focuses on integrated weed management, biology, ecology, and management of emerging problematic weeds. Her work emphasizes weed management in soybeans, sugar beets, dry beans, and potatoes. With over 31 peer-reviewed publications, Dr. Sprague has established herself as a leading authority in her field.

“MACA is an important team of industry partners working together to reach a common goal,” Sprague said. “As an industry, we’re all working together to make sure that we’re delivering good weed management recommendations, and to be recognized for the part I have played in that conversation as an extension educator is an incredible honor.”

Dr. Sprague received her BS in Crop and Soil Sciences from Michigan State University, her MS in Agronomy from the University of Illinois, and her PhD in Crop and Soil Sciences from Michigan State University.

MACA President Jaime Yanes praised Dr. Sprague’s dedication, “Christy is a tireless educator who collaborates with growers and industry to define solutions that improve weed management throughout Michigan and the Great Lakes region,” he told attendees. “Christy’s open-mindedness and natural sense of curiosity to try new methods as well as try older methods to serve today’s production agricultural challenges makes her a tremendous resource in the region.”

The Mid America CropLife Association congratulates Dr. Christy Sprague on this well-deserved recognition and her ongoing contributions to agricultural education and research.

MACA Presents Industry Vision Award of the Year to Ben Kaehler, Corteva Agriscience (retired)

The Mid America CropLife Association (MACA) presented its prestigious Industry Vision Award to Ben Kaehler, former Vice President of National Accounts at Corteva Agriscience.

Ben Kaehler, former VP of National Accounts at Corteva, was awarded MACA’s Industry Vision Award.

With a career spanning 38 years at Corteva and Dow AgroSciences, Kaehler has been a strong supporter of MACA, contributing resources, team involvement, and frequent participation in industry panels. His dedication to preserving, improving, and protecting the crop input industry has been unwavering throughout his various roles within the company.

A proud graduate of North Dakota State University, Kaehler has maintained a strong commitment to the agriculture industry and continues to ranch, running a 300-head registered cow-calf herd. He retired from his position with Corteva Agriscience in March 2024.

Kaehler shared the strategy of his career and advice that he says has served him well in helping to advance the crop protection industry with attendees.

“Don’t win a battle and lose the war,” he shared of his more than three decades of industry experience. “We want to be in this business for decades to come, and you have to think long term about the products, the relationships, the technologies that we have, and then think about it long term and how we survive, how we thrive.”

First presented in 1982, the MACA Industry Vision Award recognizes individuals who have devoted their careers to promoting and protecting the interests of the entire crop protection industry, supporting American and Midwestern agriculture, and demonstrating leadership within their company and other industry-wide organizations.

MACA Elects 2024-2025 Leaders

With an eye toward the future of agriculture and the crop protection industry, MACA is pleased to announce the appointment of the 2024-2025 Board of Directors. New appointments were designated and made effective on Thursday, September 5 during the Annual Members Meeting held September 3-5 in Bloomington, Minnesota.

Newly elected officers are, President Michael Lehman, AMVAC; Vice President John Oesch, Nutrien Ag Solutions, and Secretary/Treasurer Aaron Deardorff, Syngenta Crop Protection.

“MACA has a great foundation that has been built over the past 40 years. As an organization we needed to shift a bit to stay current, and we are doing that with our new logo and by shifting some committees. We aren’t pivoting, we are weaving what has served our membership since MACA’s inception with updates that will serve them even better. It’s an exciting time at MACA and our future is bright,” newly elected President Lehman shared during the Executive Session of the Annual Meeting.

Continuing service to MACA, Jaime Yanes, Albaugh, LLC., will serve as Immediate Past President, continuing to weigh in on important topics and the direction of MACA initiatives.

During the Annual Meeting, Board of Director elections appointed Brian Clark, Schuetz Container Systems, Inc.; Steve Sloan, Lamberti; and Drew Ratterman, Corteva Agriscience to three year terms.

Continuing service as Board members are, Norm Wagoner, KALO; Matt Wagner, Green Leaf, Inc.; Matt Lawrence, Valent USA; Jane Hanson, Rosen’s; Mitch Reed, Kova; and Randy Stookey, Kansas Agribusiness Association.
