North American Bioeconomy Data Alliance to Host Webinar on Harmonizing Data in the Feedstock Management System

Today, the feedstock management system is fragmented and lacks a common data structure necessary for a resilient and robust end-to-end system. The North American Bioeconomy Data Alliance (NABDA) represents a pioneering initiative aimed at advancing feedstock management through the integration of data-driven approaches and innovative technologies.

Join us October 2 for the interactive webinar “Meet NABDA: Harmonizing Data in the Feedstock” to learn more about NABDA’s objectives, how to become involved as a partner, and the exciting opportunities related to the increased production of renewable diesel, biogas, and sustainable aviation fuel.

Speakers include Joyce Hunter, Executive Director for Collaboration and Education, Mission Critical; Welly Ell, President, Industries in Transition Connection Consulting; and Kathleen Glass, Vice President of Marketing, AquaSpy.

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NABDA is convening key decision-makers from the U.S. and Canada to discuss the integration of data-driven approaches and innovative technologies across the ecosystem. To learn more about NABDA and/or how to become a partner, click here.
