CropLife Ag Tech Awards of Excellence Presented at 2024 Tech Hub LIVE

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The CropLife Ag Tech Awards of Excellence have honored individuals who demonstrate exceptional work in the use and adoption of precision and digital agriculture technologies and practices for more than 15 years and once more Tech Hub LIVE was pleased to pay tribute to four more outstanding individuals this year.

This year’s winners were Lindsey Ross, Legacy Coop (Precision Crop Adviser/Entrepreneur of the Year); Lanny Faleide, Satshot (Legacy in Ag Technology); Blake Matthews, Matthews Land & Cattle (Precision Farmer of the Year); and Nancy Bohl Bormann, University of Minnesota (Ag Tech Educator/Researcher of the Year).


Learn more about each winner below:

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Precision Crop Adviser/Entrepreneur of the Year – Lindsey Ross, Precision Ag Manager, Legacy Coop

With over 12 years of experience in the world of precision agriculture, Ross’s skillset has evolved from mainly technology diagnostics to integrating the agronomic aspect to help further growers’ success in the field with Legacy Coop. “I’m very passionate about what I do,” said Ross. “Caring for my customers, making sure they are lowering their inputs, increasing their yields, putting more dollars back in their pocket, is what drives me to do what I do everyday.”

Listen: Interview with Lindsey Ross, Legacy Coop (2:44)

Legacy in Ag Technology – Lanny Faleide, President, Satshot

Lanny Faleide was a pioneer in remote imagery and has been professional vendor of satellite imagery in the precision ag industry for 30 years now, making him a legend in the industry. “To all of you building your companies in the precision ag field, the key to success is not quit,” said Faleide. “I’m still amazed at what I do.”

Listen: Interview with Lanny Faleide, Satshot (6:55)

Precision Farmer of the Year – Blake Matthews, Matthews Land & Cattle

Blake Matthews farms with his father and brother in Idaho and started his precision farming journey back in 2010 by integrating biologicals, plant hormones and sound nutrition into his operation. “When I started out on this journey it was not necessarily to improve the environment…we mainly did it to see if we could do it,” he said.

Listen: Interview with Blake Matthews, Matthews Land & Cattle (1:37)

Educator/Researcher of the Year – Nancy Bohl Bormann, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Minnesota

Nancy Bohl Bormann farms with her husband in north central Iowa and just completed her PhD in Land and Atmospheric Science at the University of Minnesota. Her research project created a manure nutrient test data base (Manure DB). “This is all publicly available on the Manure DB website today,” said Bohl Bormann. “It was a great experience that launched me more into this data space.”

Listen: Interview with Nancy Bohl Bormann, University of Minnesota (3:11)

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