Fight Resistant Weeds of Today and Prevent Those of Tomorrow
Herbicide resistance is on the rise. Figure 1- provided from The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) data, depicts the presence of Common Waterhemp, Pigweed, Lambsquarters and Kochia – the darker the blue, the higher the reported pressure of these weeds.
Industry experts, including those from the WSSA, recommend a multistep approach, including multiple modes and sites of action, crop rotation, and field scouting, to manage the growing issue of resistant weeds.
In 2020, Belchim Crop Protection USA launched TOUGH® 5EC, with active ingredient pyridate to help combat resistant weed biotypes of today and to help prevent selection of herbicide resistant weeds in the future. Prior to launch, university research showed significant increase in weed control when TOUGH® 5EC is included in the tank mix.
Larry Steckel, Extension Weed Scientist at University of Tennessee, found that just 8 waterhemp per 11 square feet can reduce corn yield by 74% (Steckel 2007). University and grower use has shown increased weed control of 5% to as much as 29% has been observed with TOUGH® 5EC included in the post mix; especially when herbicide resistance to other classes of chemistry are present in the weed population.
In late spring (June 8) of 2021, Adam Sibbel, Field Sales Agronomist with Landus Coop in Carroll County Iowa, added TOUGH® 5EC to the POST tank mix, and sprayed part of a corn field in Dedham, Iowa. Corn had been planted on May 10th and a pre-treatment of Round Up and 2, 4-D had been made on April 28th. Close to 60 acres of the field were sprayed with Halex® GT, and Atrazine, and then TOUGH® 5EC was added to the tank on the remaining 20 acres of the south end of the field.
The acres that were not treated with TOUGH® 5EC had several areas where Common Waterhemp escaped (Figure 2).
The 20 acres where TOUGH® 5EC was in the mix were looked clean when walking the fields on June 30, 2021 (Figure 3).
Adam observed; “Even if you lose 5% of your harvested acreage to weed residue, it has a big impact. I can definitely see recommending TOUGH® 5EC next season.”
Pyridate, the active ingredient in TOUGH 5EC, works by blocking a weed’s photosystem II process, triggering the release of toxic forms of oxygen and causing rapid cell wall degradation. Pyridate is a highly effective mode of action in corn and shows increased levels of weed control in tank-mix combinations.
TOUGH® 5EC is an ideal tank mix partner, as a resistance management tool, with HPPD inhibitors. TOUGH® 5EC herbicide puts a charge in your post emergence weed control program with rapid and complete control of your broadleaf weeds including resistant ones. Adding TOUGH® 5EC to HPPD products such as mesotrione (Callisto®), tolpyralate (SHIELDEX®) and topramezone (Impact®), improves performance; promoting faster weed death and overcoming HPPD resistance.
In addition, TOUGH® 5EC is a great product to combine with other PSII’s that interact with the weed differently, such as Atrazine. Pyridate has fast foliar absorption to get to the target site but also degrades rapidly in the soil to prevent carry over concerns. Atrazine has slow leaf absorption and primarily works through root absorption which requires moisture. Atrazine has residual effects for weed control but can result in carry over; maximize the PSII class with this combination. Add TOUGH® 5EC to your tank mix and Get TOUGH on Weeds