It’s time to bust the myth once and for all that fungicides aren’t worth investing in. Research has continually shown yield advantages when a fungicide application is made. Help your growers get the most from their fungicide investments with these four management tips.
When you spray a herbicide, not all of its active ingredients make it into the target weeds’ leaves. Product antagonism due to hard water minerals can contribute to herbicide losses in the spray tank. Adding a water conditioner can help prevent the antagonism and improve herbicide efficacy.
Germination and emergence are pivotal corn growth stages that impact performance the rest of the season. This in-furrow PGR has been proven, through years of testing, to help corn plants emerge faster and more evenly with stronger, deeper root systems, leading to season-long success.
Skeptical of all the biological products claiming to solve growers’ plant health and nutrition problems? You’re not alone. WinField United is stepping in with a one-of-a-kind testing platform to provide a reliable source of third-party data and help retailers best position biological products.
Adjuvants make good practical sense, but do you ever experience a need for more cold, hard data to sell an adjuvant to a grower? WinField® United ran robust trials, crunched the numbers and, according to the data, adjuvants generate a sizable ROI your customers will appreciate this season.
If you’re a farmer, you should consider adding drift control agents, oils, surfactants, and water conditioners to your spray program to use less herbicides, improve weed control and operate more cost-effective crop protection programs.