Pratum Co-op

Rank: 70 (Previous Rank: 71)
2955 Ryan Dr.
Salem OR 97301   
Phone: 503-364-3353
Organization Type: Cooperative
Year Founded: 1946
Retail Outlets: 4
States Served: 1
Employees: 65
Agricultural Retailers Association Member: Yes
2023 Revenue: $51-$65 million
Revenue by input: Crop Protection: 44%, Fertilizer: 50%, Seed: 3%, Custom Application: 3%

In 1946, farmers in the community of Pratum, just east of Salem, founded a co-op to handle the prime seed produced in the fertile soil of our Willamette Valley. The co-op became known as Pratum Co-op and became a supplier of fertilizer, crop protection and petroleum products.
